These nine-day dawn masses, known as Simbang Gabi or Misas de Aguinaldo (Gift Masses) starts on December 16. Many Filipinos believe they will obtain special graces by attending all dawn masses.
For those wondering, historians trace the Simbang Gabi's origin to Mexico. Spanish missionaries brought the tradition to the Philippines in the 17th century when masses were held as early as 4 o'clock in the morning to accommodate farmers who needed to tend their fields early.
As they presumably were during the Spanish era, December nights are about as "chilly" as Philippine weather gets. However, inside packed churches, it's a different story. Body heat and carbon dioxide drive throngs of people to fan themselves as they fight to stay awake!
The aromas of native Christmas delicacies outside tempt churchgoers. Piping hot bibingka (rice cake), puto bumbong (a purple sticky rice delicacy steamed in wooden tubes), salabat (ginger tea) and thick cocoa are among the traditional breakfast treats for sleep-deprived devotees
After the nine-day dawn masses, the Misa de Gallo is celebrated before midnight of December 24. Then its off to the Noche Buena (traditional Christmas Feast after the midnight mass) to celebrate with the rest of the family. This much-awaited family reunion typically finds excited kids playing and opening gifts. Traditional Noche Buena fare is Queso de Bola(ball of cheese) and Hamon (Christmas Ham), usually served with hot chocolate.
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